Freezer Floor

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A Little More About Our Company

Thermal Equipment Sales Company

Founded in 1970 by Richard Jordan SR.
As an Electrical Engineer Mr. Jordan derived sales from solving applications. His philisophy revolved around knowledge. People do business with knowledgable people not just people. Our original focus was Heating and heat control solutions.

Somewhere in the mid-70's we designed and provided the controls for our first Frost Heave Prevention System. Over the years our system has grown and changed as we learned the inherent problems with Floor Heating Systems.
Early on we used simple single loop controllers, but as technology has changed we have been able to develop a system that creates a very stable heating system with exceptional monitoring and controlling.

Today Thermal Equipment is run by Richard Jordan Jr. who started with the company at 16 as a panel builder. Richard still maintains that knowledge is the backbone of the company and works diligently to keep himself and the staff at Thermal Equipment on the cutting edge of technology today. Call us or submit your application and discover how well we maintain our tradition.

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(901) 452-4516