Freezer Floor

Thermalinc - Frost Heave Prevention Systems

Building Frost Heave Provention Systems for over 40 Years!

Freezer Floor Freeze Protection


Freezers and other refrigerated storage areas are maintained at temperatures below freezing. Therefore, moisture in the soil under the floor can often freeze. Expansion of the soil caused by this freezing moisture can result in damage to the above concrete Floor. Some floors depending on size and temperature of the freezer have been observed to raise 6" to 12", or more. In most cases this causes the floor to crack, Doors no longer close and Buildings can become functionally unusable costing thousands of dollars in removal and replacement cost. Heat cable installed under the floor and in the substrate will prevent the soil from freezing.

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    A little cost now saves thousands in the future.


Our Design provides a safe, reliable system:

Designed to save and lower operating cost, and takes the realities for freezer systems into account. By using Self-regulating cable when and if there is a failure your personal are notified immeadiately, so that long term issues don't occur.

We offer several designs
  • Flexible Industrial Heat Cable
      Cable designed regulate the Wattage all along the length of Cable.
  • Robust MI Cable.
      Constant wattage Cable that is difficult to pull but could last 25 to 50 years.
  • Freezer floor Reclaim Systems
      These systems are designed to add heat to trouble areas. Some floors using Glycol, direct ventilation or floor that have no heat at all develop cold spots. We have a system to drill and drop heaters into the trouble spot to bring this area under control. Best for small areas. These systems can save a floor or building.
How To Size Frost Heave Provention Systems!
Video of our Dual Control System!

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(901) 452-4516